Poor Appetite

The dog refuses to eat and the decreased food intake is leading to weight loss. This could be accompanied by a number of other symptoms like fever, pain, abdominal distention, dyspnea depending on the underlying cause. Anorexia is a symptom of most diseases. It could also be due to stress, environmental changes, or ageing.

Exercise intolerance

The dog is not able to play for a long time. Depending upon the breed and the condition, even 5 minutes of playing would lead to heavy breathing, gasping. This is usually related to conditions of the heart, lungs lack of nutrition, or overweight dogs, or even conditions like anemia, cancers, allergies, circulatory shunts and … Read more

Alert ears in dogs

The dog’s ears when perked up high and pointed towards the source of the sound demonstrate alertness; however it is also a sign of aggression. Sudden jerky alerting of ears could also be seen if the dog is anxious or is turning blind or deaf or is unusually

Muscle Tremor

The dog shows involuntary, rhythmic and repetitive muscle movements of one or more body parts. Tremors have been known to primarily affect white colored dogs, but other hair-coat colors have been found to be affected as well. There are some dog breeds that are believed to be predisposed to tremors, including chow chows, springer spaniels, … Read more


The dog appears confused even in familiar surroundings. The dog may get lost in his own back yard, or wander aimlessly in the house and become trapped in corners or behind furniture, shows decreased level of activity, decreased attentiveness, staring into space, decreased recognition, pacing during the night, or changed sleeping patterns, loss of house-trained … Read more


The dog is shaking, shivering, trembling or shuddering. This could be due to excitement, need for thermo-genesis, fear or anxiety or other bodily disorders.


The dog is exhibiting one or more symptoms of pain which may include growling, barking, licking, scratching, biting, over-aggression, lying hunched, or on one side or has glazed vision, flattened ears etc. Symptoms would also depend on the part of the body where pain is being experienced. Pain could be a result of a wide … Read more


The dog is emitting throaty sounds called growling more than normal. This could be due to a perception of threat, excessive aggression, or pain although pain is usually accompanied with a whine rather than a growl.


The dog is biting or chewing abnormally with or without significant aggression. Common reasons for inappropriate chewing/ biting include lack of nominal activity and exercises, investigative or playful behavior or teething discomfort in case of small puppies, and anxiety; however it can also be caused by diseases like Rabies, tumors etc.

Eats Grass, Stool, Dirt, etc.

Dog has a habit of eating stools and/or any other non-food items. This is usually behavioral though could also be due to nutritional deficiency in the dogs caused due to diet restrictions, parasites or other medical conditions, which in turn drive the dog towards eating stools or other such items.