
The dog appears confused even in familiar surroundings. The dog may get lost in his own back yard, or wander aimlessly in the house and become trapped in corners or behind furniture, shows decreased level of activity, decreased attentiveness, staring into space, decreased recognition, pacing during the night, or changed sleeping patterns, loss of house-trained … Read more


There is a transient abnormal enlargement of a body part or a specific area of the body of the dog due to accumulation of fluid in tissues. This could be with or without pain and could be of a variety of origins like edema, effusion, or as a result of inflammation.


The dog is sneezing. Some sneezing is good since a sneeze expels air forcibly from the mouth and nose in an explosive, spasmodic involuntary action resulting chiefly from irritation of the nasal mucous membrane; however prolonged sneezing at a given time or repeated sneezing could be an indication of irritants in the environment, allergy or … Read more


The dog is exhibiting one or more symptoms of pain which may include growling, barking, licking, scratching, biting, over-aggression, lying hunched, or on one side or has glazed vision, flattened ears etc. Symptoms would also depend on the part of the body where pain is being experienced. Pain could be a result of a wide … Read more

Loud breathing

The breathing sound of the dog can be distinctly heard from a distance indicating an obstruction or partial blockage of the air track. This may be accompanied by a change in voice (bark). Nature of the sounds range from abnormally loud to obvious fluttering to high-pitched squeaking, depending on the degree of airway narrowing.

Enlarged Lymph Nodes

The dog has swelling or enlargement of one or more lymph nodes in any one or more of the following areas. Beneath the paw, around the shoulders, in the neck, near the joint of the legs, at the back of the legs or in the area of the groin. The enlarged nodes can be felt … Read more

Eats Grass, Stool, Dirt, etc.

Dog has a habit of eating stools and/or any other non-food items. This is usually behavioral though could also be due to nutritional deficiency in the dogs caused due to diet restrictions, parasites or other medical conditions, which in turn drive the dog towards eating stools or other such items.

Breathing Difficulty

The dog has difficulty breathing and the rate of respiration is visibility and unusually high with more effort needed by the dog in every breath. The dog may be sitting upright with the neck stretched out and the elbows rotated outwards to help air pass through the airways May also be avoiding lying down and … Read more