The Karelian Bear Laika (also known as Russo European Laika) is medium size all purpose hunting dog, originating in forested region of Northern Europe and Russia. The Karelian Bear Laika is one of the several breeds of dogs that were developed from very ancient Spitz type Landracer Laika dogs. Smallest of three Laika breeds, the dog is used to hunt both small and large game. It closely resembles to the Karelian Bear Dog but is smaller and lighter in bone and square in build.
The dog is agile, active, strong and capable of hunting all type of game. At the same time, it has a great family dog temperament that makes this breed very popular among people of all classes. It stands between 20-23 inches and weighs between 45-50 lbs.
The dog has a rather small head with triangular shaped skull and strong, tapering muzzle. It has a black nose, small, oval shaped and slanting eyes and pricked, pointed and very mobile ears. Muscular neck is dry. The dog has a compact and strong body that is slightly rectangular in shape. The bone structure is well developed but it does not give the dog a massive appearance. The chest is deep and well developed with well sprung ribs. The back is strong and muscular with a short and slightly arched loin. The tail is either curled or sickle shaped and carried over the back. This breed has harsh and straight topcoat and dense and well developed undercoat. It comes in black, gray, salt and pepper colours with white markings.
This breed enjoys the distinction of being the first dog breed sent into the space in 1957 via Sputnik II. It is NOT recognized by AKC however the breed is recognized by UKC.