The Chi Apso dogs are result of cross breed between a Chihuahua and a Lhasa Apso purebreds and they are called hybrid or designers dogs. They are very lively, fun-loving, friendly, spunky and gentle sweet dogs. They are similar in body size to Lhasa Apso but have golden brown coat of Chihuahua as well as face and ears.
Chi Apso

We have a female Chi Apso, she is a sweet little 9 month old. We have had her for 7 months. She is very smart and has learned many commands, but we cannot get her house trained. We have a big backyard and she loves being out. We walk her and play a lot in the backyard. As soon as she is in the house she pees or poops! I am at my wits end on what to do about this behavior. Does anyone have any suggestions. Thank you!