
Malabsorption is the deficiency in absorption of one or more nutrients in the gastrointestinal tract. Disruption in any phase of digestion or delivery of nutrients to the blood can cause malabsorption. Many diseases including infections, inflammation, and tumors of the GI tract can cause chronic malabsorption by interfering with these processes


Dehydration involves loss of water and electrolytes such as sodium, chloride and potassium. This could be due to inadequate fluid intake or conditions like Fever, vomiting, diarrhea, polyuria and other diseases that increase the loss of water. The treatment is to provide the body with fluids. If it is not possible to administer orally then … Read more

Worms In Stool

The dog has worms in stool. Worms in stool could be noodle like (roundworms), rice like (tapeworms). Others like hookworms, whipworms, or heartworms cannot be seen with naked eye. The dog would show one or more of the following: weight loss, lack of energy, dull coat, swollen belly, coughing, anemia, diarrhea, itching etc.

Weight Loss

The dog is unusually losing weight. If this is also accompanied by muscle atrophy and other symptoms and is chronic, it is called Cachexia and is a symptom of a serious disorder. Though normally weight loss could be due to low food intake (due to any reason), anorexia, conditions of the parts of the digestive … Read more

Poor Appetite

The dog refuses to eat and the decreased food intake is leading to weight loss. This could be accompanied by a number of other symptoms like fever, pain, abdominal distention, dyspnea depending on the underlying cause. Anorexia is a symptom of most diseases. It could also be due to stress, environmental changes, or ageing.

Fluid in Addomen

The dog shows abdominal distention. One of the causes could be buildup of fluid in the abdomen. Other symptoms could include vomiting, abdominal discomfort, dyspnea, and loss of appetite. Causes could be many including abdominal bleeding, cancer, peritonitis, liver or bladder or kidney damage, hypoproteinemia, and right-sided heart failure


The dog is passing loose stools and has an increased number of bowel movements. This is different from dysentery which is characterized by mucus or blood in stool. Causes of diarrhea are ingestion of foreign articles, parasites, infections, drugs, or even anxiety or a change in environment


The dog has absent, infrequent, or difficult and strained defecation. Stool is often hard and dry. If the dog passes many small stools containing mucus or blood, it may be colitis instead of constipation. Causes could be age related, ingestion of foreign bodies, less water intake, trauma, anxiety, less exercise, or conditions like intestinal blockage, … Read more

Abdominal mass in dogs

There is a lump or mass that can be felt in the dog's tummy. The size could be small or large but it deserves attention. Sometimes these masses are not even palpable. The causes could be hundreds from hernia to organ enlargement to tumor, aneurysm, cysts, hematomas, or even tumors.

Abdominal distension in dogs

The dog has enlargement of stomach other than simple obesity. This could be due to accumulation of fluid from internal bleeding, urine or pus accumulation, or fluids leaking from vessels. Enlarged abdominal organs, tumors or loss of muscle tone in stomach could also cause distension of the stomach. Air or fluid accumulation or pregnancy, can … Read more