
Fracture means a break or crack in a bone. Practically every bone in the body is susceptible to fracture. Symptoms are based on part injured and associated organ damage if any. Fractures are usually caused by a traumatic event; however, in case the bones are weakened by a pre-existing disease, simple events can also lead … Read more


Dehydration involves loss of water and electrolytes such as sodium, chloride and potassium. This could be due to inadequate fluid intake or conditions like Fever, vomiting, diarrhea, polyuria and other diseases that increase the loss of water. The treatment is to provide the body with fluids. If it is not possible to administer orally then … Read more

Poor Appetite

The dog refuses to eat and the decreased food intake is leading to weight loss. This could be accompanied by a number of other symptoms like fever, pain, abdominal distention, dyspnea depending on the underlying cause. Anorexia is a symptom of most diseases. It could also be due to stress, environmental changes, or ageing.

Vomitting Blood

The dog is throwing up blood. The blood in vomit may appear as fresh blood, formed clots, or digested blood which resembles coffee grounds. Other symptoms include lack of appetite (anorexia), abdominal pain, and blackish tar-like feces. Causes could be wide ranging from disorders of the GI, circulatory, or respiratory systems or a simple wound … Read more

Tooth loss

One or more of the dog's tooth is either broken, or dislocated from its normal position. Dislocation could be vertical or lateral leading to overlapping of teeth or appear longer or shorter than normal. The causes could be trauma or infections.

Tooth discoloration

The Teeth of the dog vary from normal tooth color. The discoloration could be internal or external. Extrinsic discoloration is due to pigment on the surface of teeth. Intrinsic discoloration indicates diseases of the tooth. The discoloration could be abnormal coloration, fractured tooth, staining, or lines around the teeth.


There is a transient abnormal enlargement of a body part or a specific area of the body of the dog due to accumulation of fluid in tissues. This could be with or without pain and could be of a variety of origins like edema, effusion, or as a result of inflammation.


The dog is sneezing. Some sneezing is good since a sneeze expels air forcibly from the mouth and nose in an explosive, spasmodic involuntary action resulting chiefly from irritation of the nasal mucous membrane; however prolonged sneezing at a given time or repeated sneezing could be an indication of irritants in the environment, allergy or … Read more


The dog is shaking, shivering, trembling or shuddering. This could be due to excitement, need for thermo-genesis, fear or anxiety or other bodily disorders.


The dog is throwing up. As opposed to Vomiting, during regurgitation the dog mostly does not have a pre-feeling that he is about to puke. The material coming out is mostly from the upper digestive system – food pipe or throat, therefore the food is in mostly in form of pellets.