
Fracture means a break or crack in a bone. Practically every bone in the body is susceptible to fracture. Symptoms are based on part injured and associated organ damage if any. Fractures are usually caused by a traumatic event; however, in case the bones are weakened by a pre-existing disease, simple events can also lead … Read more

Exercise intolerance

The dog is not able to play for a long time. Depending upon the breed and the condition, even 5 minutes of playing would lead to heavy breathing, gasping. This is usually related to conditions of the heart, lungs lack of nutrition, or overweight dogs, or even conditions like anemia, cancers, allergies, circulatory shunts and … Read more

Difficulty walking

The dog has difficulty in walking, running, or jumping. The condition could be due a wide variety of reasons including old age, disorders of the vestibular system or eyes or the nervous system, though commonly it would be associated with joint diseases especially If there is a noticeable pain associated. The conditions could be of … Read more


The dog seems to be scratching all the time indicating that he has an ictch or pruritus that causes the dog to scratch or bite at himself. Scratching often makes this condition worse causing lesions or wounds and even stimulating the itch. Any condition that causes inflammation of skin can cause pruritus and can occur … Read more


There is a visible rigidity or stiffness in a part of the dogs body primarily in neck, back or legs. Usually occurs in older dogs or those with orthopedic issues. Symptoms could include problems Getting Up particularly after sleeping. Difficulty Walking, Pain in the joint areas, walking or moving in a rigid manner, and Decreased … Read more

Skin Redness

The skin of the dog has become red in certain localized or more generalized parts of the body. The redness is caused by the swelling of the small blood capillaries in the upper skin. This may be a result of allergies to environment or drugs, infections, ticks, or may be due to more serious conditions … Read more

Muscle Atrophy

The dog is becoming weak and the muscles appear to grow weak over time. There appears to be a decline in the size and texture of the muscle. Muscle wasting is a symptom of several different types of diseases, including diabetes, kidney failure and hypothyroid. Muscle wasting can also be a direct result of a … Read more


The body temperature of the dog is higher than usual. Most accurate way to check fever is by a thermometer. Check for fever if the dog shows common symptoms like coughing, sneezing, red or swollen gums, diarrhea, vomiting, excessive drooling, loss of appetite, weight loss, unexplained thirst, dry and hot nose, eye, nose or ear … Read more


There is a transient abnormal enlargement of a body part or a specific area of the body of the dog due to accumulation of fluid in tissues. This could be with or without pain and could be of a variety of origins like edema, effusion, or as a result of inflammation.


The dog is shaking, shivering, trembling or shuddering. This could be due to excitement, need for thermo-genesis, fear or anxiety or other bodily disorders.