Belgian Malinois

The Belgian Malinois is named after the Belgian city of Malines. This dog is one of the four Belgian sheepdog breeds (the Malinois, the Laekenois, the Groenendael and the Tervuren). Those four breeds are considered, in most parts of the world, as the same breed, but have been recognized (except for the Laekenois) in America … Read more

Belgian Sheepdog

The Belgian Sheepdog, also known as the Groenendael or Belgian Shepherd dog, is one of the four Belgian Sheepdog breeds. In some parts of the world the four breeds (Groenendael, Laekenois, Malinois and Tervuren) are considered as the same breed, but the AKC recognized in 1959 the Groenendael, the Malinois and the Tervuren as separated … Read more

Belgian Shepherd Tervuren

The Belgian Tervuren comes from a Belgian village named Tervuren. This dog is one of the four Belgian sheepdogs breeds (the Malinois, the Laekenois, the Groenendael and the Tervuren). Those four breeds are considerate, in most parts of the world, as the same breed, but have been recognized (except for the Laekenois) in America in … Read more

Border Collie

The Border Collie comes from Northumberland in Scotland. The breed is a descendant from spaniel and some old British driving breeds. This is an outstanding herder and excels in agility. Considered as the most trainable of all breeds, the Border Collie is also used as a bomb and drug detector, a police worker, for search … Read more

Bouvier Des Flandres

The Bouvier des Flandres is not a breed that can be put aside until the mood strikes to play with it. It needs daily exercise and daily interaction, and a lot of both. It loves the chance to herd, but its requirements can also be met with a good jog, a very long walk or … Read more


The Briard is a very ancient breed. Famous people like Charlemagne, Lafayette, Napoleon and Thomas Jefferson all owned Briards. This old guardian and herder of sheep was used by the French Army as a messenger, a sentry and to search for injured soldiers. In 1863, after the Paris dog show, the breed became more and … Read more


The Bloodhound is a scent hound that originated in Belgium and is used for the sole purpose of their ability to smell. These dogs are known to be able to pick up scents that have been in an area for days! They are very popularly used as police dogs as they can track down criminals … Read more

Black Russian Terrier

The Black Russian Terrier was first developed right after World War II by the Russian Red Army. It was designated as a police dog. It helped to guard military buildings, to patrol with the police etc. The Black Russian Terrier is a mix between the Giant Schnauzer, the Rottweiler, the Moscow Retriever and the Airedale. … Read more


The Boxer originated in Germany near Munich in the 1880's, the breed was developed by crossing two German mastiff-type breed, the Bullenbeiszer and the Barenbeiszer. They were later crossed with an English Bulldog. In spite of its German origins the breed is called 'boxer', an English name that suitably describes the 'boxing' motion they make … Read more


The Bullmastiff, which originates from England, is a cross between the Mastiff breed and the Bulldog. We can still find traces of Mastiff Bulldog types back to 1795. Bullmastiffs began to be judged only in 1924. One of the utilities of the Bullmastiff was a gamekeeper, it was used to tackle, knock down and hold … Read more