Intestinal Parasitic Infection (Strongyloidiasis) in Dogs

Strongyloidiasis is an intestinal infection which is caused by nematode Strongyloides stercoralis. The causative agent is typically female nematode which is found in the lining of the intestine. It causes diarrhea, among other things. 

S. stercoralis is an unusual parasitic nematode in several respects: it can multiply within the host, it has a free living life cycle in addition to its parasitic one, and only parthenogenic females are found in the host. Although the nematode is relatively host-specific, there is a potential of transmission to humans.


Common symptoms associated with strongyloidiasis include diarrhea or constipation, dermatitis (skin inflammation), Cough (bronchopneumonia), blood and/or mucus in stool,and debilitated puppies. 

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