Mange (Sarcoptic) in Dogs

Sarcoptic mange, also known as canine scabies, is a highly contagious infestation of Sarcoptes scabiei canis, a burrowing mite. 

Sarcoptic mites are near-microscopic, eight-legged creatures closely related to ticks. Their entire life cycle of three to four weeks is spent on the dog or another host. The mite is fairly host specific, but it can cause temporary skin lesions in humans and other animals.

Female sarcoptic mites are twice as large as males. Males stay on the pet’s skin surface. But female mites burrow into the upper layers of the skin forming long tunnels. The dog's reaction to this activity and products the mites release cause intense itching, scratching, reddened streaks and skin inflammation. The number of mites on the dog increases with females laying eggs and new mites are produced. This cycle continues as new mites form tunnels of their own, causing more inflammation, itching and ultimately, the skin often becomes very crusty. The scratching that results from mange is what causes the majority of the animal's hair to fall out. 


Since the disease is highly contagious in nature, the affected dog needs to be separated from other pets and humans for entire period of treatment and healing.


Common symptoms associated with this condition include

Intense scratching

Skin rash

Crust formation in the affected area

Hair loss (alopecia) 


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