An undifferentiated tumor is one that cannot be determined by a simple biopsic analysis. An undifferentiated, malignant tumor is a cancer in which the cells are very immature. The cells do not look or act like normal cells. The oral cavity is a common area for tumor growth. Undifferentiated oral cavity malignant tumors are highly aggressive, rapidly growing masses in the area of the hard palate, premaxilla, maxilla, or orbit. These tumors are metastasizing in nature and rapidly progress to other parts of the body which makes them some of the more difficult tumors to treat.
These tumors mostly occur in dogs less than two years old, within ages six to twenty two months. Larger breed dogs are at a higher risk of acquiring these tumors.
Common symptoms associated with these tumors include
Excessive drooling
Bad Breath (halitosis)
Difficulty chewing (dysphagia)
Blood coming from the mouth
Weight loss
Loose teeth
Growth in the mouth (oral mass)
Occasionally, swollen glands in the neck (enlarged lymph nodes)
Swollen or deformed areas on the face near the eyes