Mushroom toxicity is the ingestion of toxic mushrooms by a dog. There are several varieties of mushrooms which are commonly found in the wooded areas or in the lawns. While 99 percent of mushrooms have little or no toxicity, the remaining 1 percent are highly toxic and can cause life-threatening condition in dogs.
Dogs come into contact with mushrooms while they are outside, and specially in the wooded areas in the seasons of summer and fall.
Toxic mushrooms are classified into four categories (A, B, C, D), based on the clinical signs and their time of onset, and into seven groups (1-7) on the basis of the toxin they contain.
Category A: Most toxic, cause destruction of cells, especially liver and kidney cells
Category B and C: Nervous system
Category D: Gastrointestinal irritation
Because it is difficult to ascertain what type of mushroom a dog has ingested, it is better to bring the suspected mushroom to the veterinarian for identification and proper treatment purpose.
Different mushrooms cause different signs and symptoms in dogs. Most common signs related to the mushroom poisoning are
Abdominal pain
Yellowing of the skin (jaundice)
Uncoordinated movements
Excessive drooling (ptyalism)