Prostatomegaly is an enlargement of a dog’s prostate gland. It is a common clinical sign in older intact male dogs. Prostate gland is an important gland in male dogs. It secrets a fluid that is one component of the dog's semen.
Increase in prostate gland size can be determined by rectal or abdominal palpation or by abdominal X-rays or ultrasound of the prostate. The enlargement can be painful or non-painful, symmetrical or assymmetrical.
The enlargement occurs from proliferation or enlargement of epithelial cell; pre-cancerous cells in the prostate; or from inflammatory cell infiltration.
The three conditions that cause prostatic enlargement are benign prostatic hyperplasia, prostatitis, and cancer of the prostate.
Common symptoms associated with enlargement of prostate gland include
Asymptomatic (without symptoms)
Straining to defecate/constipation
Ribbonlike stools
Difficulty urinating