Prostate Gland Enlargement in Dogs

Prostate is an important part of the male reproductive organ. It secretes a fluid containing simple sugars, citric acid, calcium and a number of enzymes that protect the seminal fluid and aid in mobility and survival of sperm so that it can fertilize a viable egg.

Hyperplasia defines a condition of abnormal growth of cells in any region of the body. Benign means non-painful. Hence, Benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) is a condition in which the prostate gland becomes enlarged. It is an age-related problem that can affect upto 95% intact dogs by the time they reach the age of 9 years or more.

Most dogs do not show any symptoms at all. Following are few of the possible symptoms related to this condition:

Bloody discharge from urethra

Blood in urine

Blood in ejaculate

Difficulty in urination

Difficulty with defecation

Ribbon like stools

Other symptoms may be present if a prostatic infection or carcinoma (malignant tumor) develops

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