A cyst is a sac or cavity that can contain fluid. Prostatic and paraprostatic (periprostatic) cysts are fluid-filled pockets associated with the prostate. They are found adjacent to the prostate and are connected to the prostate by a thin stalk or tissue adhesions. These cyst have many associations; changes in the cells brought on by hormonal changes; retention cysts within the prostate that are cavitating (capable of forming a cavity in the tissue or organ); fluid-filled lesions with a distinct capsule (sac-like enclosure); and paraprostatic (close to the prostate) cysts that are cavitating, fluid-filled lesions with a distinct capsule.
The cysts can be from a few millimeters up to 20 centimeters in diameter. Paraprostatic cysts arise from top or along side the prostate, displacing the bladder, or at the back of the prostate in the pelvis.
Intact dogs of all breeds between ages two and twelve years are prone to this disorder. Also, large or medium breed dogs are more commonly reported with this disorder.
Signs and symptoms of this condition include:
Asymptomatic (without symptoms)
Lethargy and loss of appetite (anorexia)
Abdominal distention (swelling)
Constipation, if the cyst compresses the rectum
Difficulty urinating, if the cyst compresses the urethra
Urethral discharge