Skin Blisters (Vesiculopustular Dermatoses) in Dogs

Pustule is a small, circumscribed elevation of the epidermis filled with pus (a mixture of serum, white blood cells, cellular debris and dead tissue) while Vesicle or blister is a small, circumscribed elevation of the epidermis filled with serum (clear fluid that separates from blood).

Vesiculo refers to vesicles; this prefixed form is attached to the diseased condition that is concurrent with the cause of the blister. Pustular refers to an organism that is covered in pustules. Dermatoses is the plural form of dermatosis, which is used to describe any abnormality or disorder of the skin.

Common symptoms of this condition may include one or more of the following signs

Hair loss

Reddened skin

Vesicles or blisters: small elevations of the outer layer of the skin filled with clear fluid

Pustules: small elevations of the outer layer of the skin filled with pus

Loss of pigment of the skin and/or hair 

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