Seborrhea is a very common skin disorder resulting in excessively greasy or dry skin. The result is a dry, flaky coat that usually has that terrible "doggy smell".
There are two types of seborrhea: oily (oleosa) and dry (sicca). Many dogs have a combination of both. Seborrhea causes the skin to release a waxy, greasy substance that formulates in the ears and armpits and around the belly, elbows, and ankles. This greasy substance is very fatty and VERY smelly. It causes dogs to itch like crazy; often, the affected areas become crusty and bleed. Frequently, secondary infections can set in due to itching-induced open sores.
Seborrhea disorder can be categorized into two types; primary and secondary. Primary and secondary seborrhea are two different diseases. Primary seborrhea occurs in specific breeds without any reason while secondary seborrhea occurs when some other skin disease triggers the seborrheic process.
This disorder surfaces before the dog reaches two years of age and progresses with age.
Seborrhea causes scaly, flaky, itchy, red skin.