Snail bait poisoning, also known as ‘shake and bake syndrome’, occurs when dogs ingest snail or slug bait that contains the drug metaldehyde. It is a relatively common poisoning seen in veterinary practice.
Metaldehyde is a common ingredient used in molluscicides, which are products used to kill snails and slugs and sometimes used as solid fuel for camp stoves . The drug affects nervous system of the dog.
All animals are susceptible and as little as 1 teaspoon per 4.5kg body weight can be fatal in fifty percent of pets.
This type of poisoning is more often seen in coastal and low-lying areas where use of molluscicides is customary.
Common symptoms associated with this condition include
Excessive panting
Excessive drooling (ptyalism)
Uncoordinated walk
Muscle tremors
Increased sensitivity to light, touch, and/or sounds
Increased respiration (hyperpnea)