Staphylococcal is the name of bacteria which lives on dogs without ever causing a problem. The bacteria is found living freely in the environment, on skin and in upper respiratory tract of the dogs. The bacteria themselves do not cause any problem. They are considered opportunistic pathogens. As long as the skin is healthy, these bacteria are dormant. But once the skin is irritated, they can invade the area and rapidly multiply, seizing an opportunity to infect.
The staph infections generally are triggered by allergies or a similar inflammation that goes deep into the pores of the skin. Some allergies that can set off a staph infection may include grass, fertilizer or pollen. The allergy inflames the skin and your dog starts scratching, bringing an onset of a staph infection. A staph infection develops from a bacterium and finds its way into open cuts and sores on the skin. It can also enter and cause infection in the ears.
Common symptoms associated with staph skin infection are
Loss of appetite (anorexia)
Skin abscesses
Infections of the eyes, skin, ears, eyes or respiratory system
Itching (pruritus)
Inflammation marked by pus filled lesions (pyoderma)
Wound infections
Toxic shock syndrome
abscesses on the skin or mouth