Water Diabetes or Diabetes Insipidus is the condition in which body releases too much water without conserving it for vital body functions. This disorder changes water metabolism such that water is released through body in the form of increased urination.
The DI (for Diabetes Insipidu) is of two types. One is neurogenic or central diabetes insipidus and nephrogenic diabetes insipidus.
DI neurogenic occurs due to lack of harmone vasopressin which is responsible for regulating water retention function. This harmone is produced and regulated by hypothalamus (area in brain) and released in blood by pituitary gland. Lack of vasopressin harmon may be due to an injury to the head or a tumor or malfunctioning of pituitary gland.
Other type of water diabetes, nephrogenic DI, is due to the lack of ADH ( antidiuretic hormone) which regulates capillary muscles and reduce the flow of urine. Kidneys may not be responding to ADH and consequently allowing too much water to pass through urine. This kidney malfunction can be due to imbalance of electrolytes, cuts on the kidneys or due to protein deposits known as amyloidosis.
Other common symptoms for diabetes insipidus are
Increased urination (polyuria)
Increased drinking (polydipsia)
Decreased urination with dehydration
Poor hair coat