Muscle Tremor

The dog shows involuntary, rhythmic and repetitive muscle movements of one or more body parts. Tremors have been known to primarily affect white colored dogs, but other hair-coat colors have been found to be affected as well. There are some dog breeds that are believed to be predisposed to tremors, including chow chows, springer spaniels, … Read more


The dog is shaking, shivering, trembling or shuddering. This could be due to excitement, need for thermo-genesis, fear or anxiety or other bodily disorders.


The dog is throwing up. As opposed to Vomiting, during regurgitation the dog mostly does not have a pre-feeling that he is about to puke. The material coming out is mostly from the upper digestive system – food pipe or throat, therefore the food is in mostly in form of pellets.


The dog is throwing up. As opposed to regurgitation, Vomiting involves contractions of the abdominal wall (i.e., retching), nausea, and is often associated with excess salivation, licking of the lips, and drooling. Since vomiting expels material from the stomach or intestine, the food is semi-digested and often has yellow/orange color.

Weight Gain

The dog is gaining weight more than normal. Overweight dogs have a higher risk for arthritis and other illnesses. Some common causes of abnormal weight gain are too much food and less exercise. Though it could also be a result of certain illnesses like conditions of the adrenal gland, hypothyroidism. It could also be genetic. … Read more


The dog is exhibiting one or more symptoms of pain which may include growling, barking, licking, scratching, biting, over-aggression, lying hunched, or on one side or has glazed vision, flattened ears etc. Symptoms would also depend on the part of the body where pain is being experienced. Pain could be a result of a wide … Read more


There is a visible yellow discoloration of the gums, nostrils, genitals, and other areas of the dog. It may be accompanied by one or more of the following symptoms: Fever, vomiting diarrhea, lethargy, stomach pain, paleness, orange color urine and feces, and increased thirst and urine output. Causes of Jaundice could be obstruction of biliary … Read more

Eats Grass, Stool, Dirt, etc.

Dog has a habit of eating stools and/or any other non-food items. This is usually behavioral though could also be due to nutritional deficiency in the dogs caused due to diet restrictions, parasites or other medical conditions, which in turn drive the dog towards eating stools or other such items.