Muscle Tremor

The dog shows involuntary, rhythmic and repetitive muscle movements of one or more body parts. Tremors have been known to primarily affect white colored dogs, but other hair-coat colors have been found to be affected as well. There are some dog breeds that are believed to be predisposed to tremors, including chow chows, springer spaniels, … Read more


The dog is shaking, shivering, trembling or shuddering. This could be due to excitement, need for thermo-genesis, fear or anxiety or other bodily disorders.


The dog is exhibiting one or more symptoms of pain which may include growling, barking, licking, scratching, biting, over-aggression, lying hunched, or on one side or has glazed vision, flattened ears etc. Symptoms would also depend on the part of the body where pain is being experienced. Pain could be a result of a wide … Read more

Loud Respiratory sounds

Loud sounds seemingly coming from the chest of the dog during breathing or coughing. These sounds could be categorized into crackle, wheezing, or ronchi depending on the type of sound and indicate different conditions.

Loud breathing

The breathing sound of the dog can be distinctly heard from a distance indicating an obstruction or partial blockage of the air track. This may be accompanied by a change in voice (bark). Nature of the sounds range from abnormally loud to obvious fluttering to high-pitched squeaking, depending on the degree of airway narrowing.

Excess Teeth

More than normal teeth are visible in the dog's mouth. The causes could be retained baby tooth (deciduous teeth), genetic, trauma to the tooth bud, or just simply more than the normal number of teeth in the mouth. Some of these supplementary teeth may never erupt fully but may delay / disrupt eruption of other … Read more

Anemia in dogs

The RBC (red blood cell) count and/or the hemoglobin level for the dog is less than normal. The low levels result in insufficient available oxygen to organs and tissues causing lethargy, weakness, and lack of appetite. The gums and tongue become pale pink to white. In dogs with severe anemia, the pulse and respiratory rate … Read more


The dog has a cough. This could be voluntary or involuntary. Cough clears the airways; however prolonged cough is not good and can be caused by a wide variety of reasons including infections of respiratory system, allergies, heart conditions and other conditions causing a block of the airway. It could be Dry or moist and … Read more

Breathing Difficulty

The dog has difficulty breathing and the rate of respiration is visibility and unusually high with more effort needed by the dog in every breath. The dog may be sitting upright with the neck stretched out and the elbows rotated outwards to help air pass through the airways May also be avoiding lying down and … Read more

Bluish Gums

Gums have a blueish, purplish, sometimes even a green saturation instead of a pink one. Cyanotic gums can be caused by a variety of different diseases of the respiratory or circulatory system and is diagnosed with tests.