
Syncope or fainting is a brief period of unconsciousness due a lack of blood flow or oxygen to the brain (cerebral hypoxia). Syncope is not a disease nor is it a clear indication of any disease. A variety of conditions can lead to fainting episodes including psychological, cardiovascular, respiratory, vestibular, endocrine and others.


Fracture means a break or crack in a bone. Practically every bone in the body is susceptible to fracture. Symptoms are based on part injured and associated organ damage if any. Fractures are usually caused by a traumatic event; however, in case the bones are weakened by a pre-existing disease, simple events can also lead … Read more

Breathing Fast

Tachypnea indicates an increased rate of breathing but it need not be an indicator of distress. Causes could vary widely including conditions of the respiratory system, heart, neuromusclular, metabolic, endocrine, hematologic, abdominal etc. This could also be accompanied with cough, dyspnea, fatigue, weight loss, anorexia, polydipsia, polyuria.


There is a visible rigidity or stiffness in a part of the dogs body primarily in neck, back or legs. Usually occurs in older dogs or those with orthopedic issues. Symptoms could include problems Getting Up particularly after sleeping. Difficulty Walking, Pain in the joint areas, walking or moving in a rigid manner, and Decreased … Read more


The dog is snoring louder and in an unseal fashion. Some snoring is normal in dogs just like humans. Snoring happens primarily due to airway obstruction but if it is accompanied by gasps and apparent difficulty in breathing then situation could be serious. Snoring mostly results if the dog is overweight, has nasal congestion. Some … Read more

Skin swelling

There is a visible abnormal skin swelling which could be due to simple things like stings or allergies. However the cause could be more serious like a traumatic injury or edema. Edema is caused by fluid accumulating within a tissue and easily identified when pressing the area leaves a dent in the skin.

Skin Redness

The skin of the dog has become red in certain localized or more generalized parts of the body. The redness is caused by the swelling of the small blood capillaries in the upper skin. This may be a result of allergies to environment or drugs, infections, ticks, or may be due to more serious conditions … Read more

Skin Lumps

Stroking the dog revels a small mass growing. These small or large masses need not be cancerous. There are many types of non-cancerous tumors that are found in dogs; like abscess, cyst, hematoma, hives or lipomas. Things to look for are if there is one odd mass or there are multiple growths. Also observe if … Read more

Skin Crusting

The dog is shedding flakes of dead skin from the skin and hair follicles. These flakes may be dry and appear like dandruff, or they may be oily and greasy. Oily seborrhea is due to excessive production of oil by the oil glands in the skin. This oil also causes a rancid doggy smell.


The dog is having fits where the dog collapses with rigid extension of the legs. The dog becomes unconscious and may stop breathing for a few seconds. There is rhythmic jerking of the legs. Sometimes it is also accompanied with chewing, drooling, or urination and defecation. As the dog regains consciousness he appears disorientated and … Read more