Penis Enlargement

The dog has a swollen penis and is not retracting. If this is not because the dog is in heat, then it could be due to smaller outer orifice, swelling, or conditions or the urinary system. The opposite of this is Phimosis where the penis would not come out. Both conditions could also be neurological.

Penis Discharge

The dog constantly drips smegma. Some of it is normal especially when in heat, though if the dog is not in heat and is also not able to clean it by licking, then the condition needs attention. This could be due to injury or infection of the genital organs.

Painful Urination

The dog is straining to urinate and frequently attempts to urinate. The dog may be crying during urination, or licking the urogenital region while passing small amounts of urine. This could be due to infections, stone, inflammation, stricture, tumors or neurological conditions.

Low urine production

The dog is excreting abnormally low (oliguria) or no urine (anuria). Other symptoms may include dehydration, weak / irregular pulse, vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia or weight loss. In cause of anuria, fluid may also infiltrate into tissues around the urinary tract along with pain in the abdomen.Causes could be kidney or blood disorders or obstruction of … Read more


The dog or bitch is unable to mate. It is more common is bitches than male dogs. For Bitch: The symptoms for infertility in a bitch are inability to copulate, no pregnancy post copulation, frequent cycles or no cycles. Causes could be hyperplasia, cysts, hormonal disturbance, infections, abnormal ovarian function or even genetic. For Male … Read more

Frequent Urination

The frequency of micturition of the dog has increased abnormally. This is often associated with polydipsia and are usually related to internal disorders like diabetes, adrenal gland disorders or disorders of the heart, kidney, liver etc.

Delayed heat cycle

The dog is not going into a normal heat cycle. If this is not due to spaying and just the fact that some dogs may have longer or shorter cycles, this could be due to other disorders of the genitalia. This is not very common in dogs. Causes could be genetic, environmental or the effect … Read more

Blood in Urine

There are traces of blood in the urine of the dog. It could be hereditary in some dogs especially in young ones. Females are more prone due to urinary tract infections. For males a common cause would be prostate disorders. Old dogs could be prone to cancer. However this could also be due to trauma, … Read more

Mammary Gland Swelling

There is an abnormal swelling of the breasts of the dog mostly accompanied with a lump in the mammary gland or surrounding area. Some swelling is common during heat cycles or lactation. Causes associated with abnormal swelling are accumulation of milk, Galactorrhea, tumors, Mastitis, pseudo-pregnancy. In Males it would be called Gynecomastia and the causes … Read more


The dog is exhibiting one or more symptoms of pain which may include growling, barking, licking, scratching, biting, over-aggression, lying hunched, or on one side or has glazed vision, flattened ears etc. Symptoms would also depend on the part of the body where pain is being experienced. Pain could be a result of a wide … Read more