English Setter

The Setter was first developed in France in 1500 and comes from the Spanish pointer and the French pointer. It?s only in the early 1800?s that the English Setter was developed by Sir Edward Laverack. A second strain of English Setters was also created by the English breeder, Llewelling.

English Springer Spaniel

The English Springer Spaniel is the first of all the English hunting spaniels. During the Renaissance, it was considered as the ideal companion for the European hunter, but it?s only in the 1700?s that the breed began to be popular in America. This breed hunts on land and water and makes a fine retriever. It … Read more


The Dachshund is a long bodied dog with undersized limbs. Originally bred in Germany, this breed's name translates to 'badger dog'. Despite their small size, the Dachshund is a tough little fighter! Their body is the perfect size to chase their prey into small underground burrows. This breed comes in 3 varieties which are standard, … Read more

Doberman Pinscher

It was in the 1870?s in Germany, that Louis Doberman, a tax collector who needed an alert and intelligent bodyguard dog, bred the Doberman Pinscher, to protect him on his rounds from bandits. It was developed presumably by crossing several different breeds of dogs, to find the characteristics that Doberman was looking for. This included … Read more

Dandie Dinmont Terrier

The Dandie Dinmont Terrier originated in Scotland and was bred to hunt down rodents, rabbits, weasels, badger, skunks and otters. These dogs are a mixture of the Skye Terrier and the Scotch Terrier which gives them their unique elongated body shape. This breed is friendly, loving and make good family pets. They interact well with … Read more


The Dalmatian originated in Croatia (around the area of Dalmatia) and was bred to protect their master's territory which commonly would have been a horse-drawn carriage. They were also used as hunting or retrieving dogs and were commonly known as the firefighter's aid. This comes from their original breed purpose which was to lead and … Read more

Canaan Dog

Back to 2200 B.C., drawings of a dog similar to the Canaan Dog were found on graves, but this dog was first bred in the 1930's in Israel from wild dogs. The Canaan dog is well-adapted to the rough conditions of the deserts. This breed is still used by Bedouins to guard and herd sheep, … Read more

Cardigan Welsh Corgi

For about 70 years, the Pembroke and the Cardigan Welsh Corgis are known as separate breeds. There are many theories concerning the Welsh Corgi. One states that both of the varieties descended from Swedish Vallhunds, brought in the 800's to Wales by the Vikings. Another theory says that the Cardigan variety is older and was … Read more


There are three different varieties of Collie based primarily on coat appearance: Collie (Smooth and Rough), Border Collie and Bearded Collie. The Smooth and Rough Collie are considered by the AKC as varieties of the same breed and therefore are judged by the same standard with the exception of the coat. Considered to be one … Read more

Cairn Terrier

The Cairn Terrier originated in Scotland and was bred to hunt small animals and chase them into stone structures called cairns. This breed has helped create a few of the very common breeds known today such as the Skye Terrier and the West Highland White Terrier. These dogs became very popular in the 1940's because … Read more