Worms In Stool

The dog has worms in stool. Worms in stool could be noodle like (roundworms), rice like (tapeworms). Others like hookworms, whipworms, or heartworms cannot be seen with naked eye. The dog would show one or more of the following: weight loss, lack of energy, dull coat, swollen belly, coughing, anemia, diarrhea, itching etc.


The dog is passing loose stools and has an increased number of bowel movements. This is different from dysentery which is characterized by mucus or blood in stool. Causes of diarrhea are ingestion of foreign articles, parasites, infections, drugs, or even anxiety or a change in environment


The dog has absent, infrequent, or difficult and strained defecation. Stool is often hard and dry. If the dog passes many small stools containing mucus or blood, it may be colitis instead of constipation. Causes could be age related, ingestion of foreign bodies, less water intake, trauma, anxiety, less exercise, or conditions like intestinal blockage, … Read more

Difficulty walking

The dog has difficulty in walking, running, or jumping. The condition could be due a wide variety of reasons including old age, disorders of the vestibular system or eyes or the nervous system, though commonly it would be associated with joint diseases especially If there is a noticeable pain associated. The conditions could be of … Read more


There is a visible rigidity or stiffness in a part of the dogs body primarily in neck, back or legs. Usually occurs in older dogs or those with orthopedic issues. Symptoms could include problems Getting Up particularly after sleeping. Difficulty Walking, Pain in the joint areas, walking or moving in a rigid manner, and Decreased … Read more

Skin swelling

There is a visible abnormal skin swelling which could be due to simple things like stings or allergies. However the cause could be more serious like a traumatic injury or edema. Edema is caused by fluid accumulating within a tissue and easily identified when pressing the area leaves a dent in the skin.

Skin Redness

The skin of the dog has become red in certain localized or more generalized parts of the body. The redness is caused by the swelling of the small blood capillaries in the upper skin. This may be a result of allergies to environment or drugs, infections, ticks, or may be due to more serious conditions … Read more

Skin Lumps

Stroking the dog revels a small mass growing. These small or large masses need not be cancerous. There are many types of non-cancerous tumors that are found in dogs; like abscess, cyst, hematoma, hives or lipomas. Things to look for are if there is one odd mass or there are multiple growths. Also observe if … Read more


The symptoms could vary depending upon the part(s) paralyzed. Usually -plegia is used to describe paralysis and paresis for severe weakness. Mostly occurs in limbs though could happen in virtually any part of the body. Symptoms would include inability to control movement of the parts impacted. In case of limbs would drag feet, in case … Read more

Muscle Tremor

The dog shows involuntary, rhythmic and repetitive muscle movements of one or more body parts. Tremors have been known to primarily affect white colored dogs, but other hair-coat colors have been found to be affected as well. There are some dog breeds that are believed to be predisposed to tremors, including chow chows, springer spaniels, … Read more