
Scooting is the act of rubbing or dragging the anal area or the area between the anus and genitals on the ground. Typically, the hind legs are extended in front as the dog drags the body forward. Anything that causes an irritation or itching to the area under the tail may cause an animal to … Read more


Fracture means a break or crack in a bone. Practically every bone in the body is susceptible to fracture. Symptoms are based on part injured and associated organ damage if any. Fractures are usually caused by a traumatic event; however, in case the bones are weakened by a pre-existing disease, simple events can also lead … Read more


Dehydration involves loss of water and electrolytes such as sodium, chloride and potassium. This could be due to inadequate fluid intake or conditions like Fever, vomiting, diarrhea, polyuria and other diseases that increase the loss of water. The treatment is to provide the body with fluids. If it is not possible to administer orally then … Read more


The dog has an external open injury causing bleeding. This would be accompanied with pain and could be a result of any kind of injury or trauma like bites, stings, quills, splinters, abrasion, or darts, arrows, gunshots etc. The dog could be excited depending upon the pain due to the wound therefore, calm the dog … Read more

Tarry stool

The dog’s stool is black and tarry in appearance. This is a clear indication of blood in feces. This could also be associated with blood in vomiting, cough or nosebleed, anemia, anorexia, weakness or weight loss. This could be due to Ulcers, tumors, infections, inflammation , or trauma of digestive system or kidney, pneumonia or … Read more

Fecal incontinence

The dog is unable to hold stool and defecation occurs just about anywhere. This is different from diarrhea which may be a cause of incontinence. This occurs mostly due to injury to spine or tail, anal diseases, intestinal disorders, or paralysis. Other symptoms may include bloated abdomen, and tenderness around anus or tail.


The dog is farting too much. This would likely be accompanied by a strong odor. Though the obvious cause is bacterial fermentation of the food, in dogs it could just be taking in too much air. Other causes could be diet changes, infections, inappropriate foods like milk, soya, peas, high fat or high fiber foods, … Read more

Blood in stool

The dog has blood in the stool. This could be accompanied by Dyschezia which is painful defecation. Other symptoms could include diarrhea, lumps around anus, pus or mucus around anus, crying during defection. Causes could be stricture of anus, inflammation, infections, foreign body in anus, trauma, polyps, prostate disease, hernia, colitis, or even cancer.

Anal Itching in dogs

The dog has an abnormal itch around the anus. It could be persistent or isolated. Frequency and severity determines the cause. Causes could be many including allergy, inflammation of the area or glands in the area, hygiene, skin diseases, or many systemic diseases.

Frequent Urination

The frequency of micturition of the dog has increased abnormally. This is often associated with polydipsia and are usually related to internal disorders like diabetes, adrenal gland disorders or disorders of the heart, kidney, liver etc.