
The Bea-Tzu is the product of cross breeding between the Beagle and the Shih Tzu purebreds and hence called a designers' dog. They are small and loveable dogs with droopy eyes and heart shaped nose. The head is slightly larger in proportion to body. Legs are short with a longish tail. They have long hair … Read more


The Basselier is the offspring of a purebred Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and a purebred Basset Hound. Characteristics and personality points of both breeds may appear in different ratios in the offspring, or one parent's traits may entirely be dominant in the offspring. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is an English breed, developed from the … Read more


The Aussie-Flat is the result of cross breed between the Australian Shepherd and the Flat Coated Retriever. These breed is a working dog that is most often used as guide for the blind. They are very lovable, obedient, affectionate, sweet and charming. They make a great family companion. They also excel in watch dogging with … Read more

American Eagle Dog

The American Eagle dog is the product of cross breed between the American Eskimo and the Beagle pure breeds and displays characteristics of both parents. This dog breed has medium sized body like an American Eskimo and face and ears of a Beagle. They are barky and needs to be properly trained otherwise they will … Read more

American Bull Dane

The American Bull Dane is a hybrid breed and a result of cross breed between American Bulldog and the Great Dane pure breeds. These dogs are very loyal, loving, affectionate and playful.

American Boston Bull Terrier

The American Boston Bull Terrier is the product of cross breed between American Pitball terrier and Boston terrier. These dogs, also called Boston Bull, are strongly built compact and well muscled dogs. The body is squarely shaped with flat head top. Ears are erect and eyes are wide-set. Nose is black.

Bandogge Mastiff

American Bandogge is the result of cross breed between the American Bulldog and the Mastiff pure breeds. It has very athletic body and agile look. These dogs are very intelligent, confident and docile type. They need a dominant owner who knows how to deal with dog canines. With a passive and less dominant owner, these … Read more


Affenwich dogs are a cross breed between Affenpinscher and Norwhich Terrier breeds.

Affen Terrier

Affen Terrier is a designers' dog, a cross breed of Affenpincher and Border Terrier.


Afaird is a cross breed of the Afghan Hound and the Briard. These breeds loves people and can be great with other dogs and children. With their size they can be made into a watchdog. They are very affectionate, loving, sweet and playful. They can be protective and territorial and makes a great family dog.