
The Basenji was originally developed in central Africa for hunting purposes in what are now Zaire and the Sudan, but the first traces of a dog similar to the Basenji have been found on the walls of ancient Egyptian tombs of five thousand years ago. In some African language Basenji can means; 'wild and violent', … Read more

Basset Hound

The Basset Hound comes from French lineage and is name mean 'low'. The Basset Hound breed was deliberately bred by the friars at St. Hubert's Abbey in medieval France for achondroplasia, a genetic disorder that causes dwarfism. They wanted a dog with short leg and a strong body that could track a prey under the … Read more


The Beagle is a breed of dog categorized as a scent hound. They originated in Great Britain and are one of the most well-known dogs in the world as many have been featured in movies and cartoons! The Beagle is thought to be a cross between a mixture of English Hound and of the Harrier … Read more

Black and Tan Coonhound

The Black and Tan Coonhound is a cross between a Fox Hound and a Blood Hound. This breed originated in the United States, and in 1945 they were recognized as a Hound, making them the only one out of six types of Coonhound in the American Kennel Club Hound group. The Black and Tan Coonhound … Read more


The Bloodhound is a scent hound that originated in Belgium and is used for the sole purpose of their ability to smell. These dogs are known to be able to pick up scents that have been in an area for days! They are very popularly used as police dogs as they can track down criminals … Read more

Bernese Mountain Dog

Also called Berner Sennenhund or Bouvier Bernois, the origin of the Bernese Mountain Dog breed is not well documented, but many believe they are descendent of the molossus war dogs, a mastiff type dogs brought to Switzerland over 2,000 years ago by the Romans legions. They were bred in the canton of Berne as a … Read more

Black Russian Terrier

The Black Russian Terrier was first developed right after World War II by the Russian Red Army. It was designated as a police dog. It helped to guard military buildings, to patrol with the police etc. The Black Russian Terrier is a mix between the Giant Schnauzer, the Rottweiler, the Moscow Retriever and the Airedale. … Read more


The Bullmastiff, which originates from England, is a cross between the Mastiff breed and the Bulldog. We can still find traces of Mastiff Bulldog types back to 1795. Bullmastiffs began to be judged only in 1924. One of the utilities of the Bullmastiff was a gamekeeper, it was used to tackle, knock down and hold … Read more

Border Terrier

The Border Terrier originated on the border of Scotland and England. They were bred to hunt fox that would hunt and kill their owners farm birds. This breed was sometimes used while their owner was on horseback and because of this, the Border Terrier had a good temperament around horses. They were primarily used as … Read more

Akita Inu

The Akita Inu breed is native to the island of Honshu in the region of Akita, is considered as a natural monument and a national treasure in Japan, is also one of the oldest dog breeds (recent DNA analysis confirms that this is one of the most primitive breeds of dog). Imperial, in appearance, the … Read more