Drentse Patrijshond

The Drentse Patrijshond is a medium size gundog originating in the Drenthe province of Netherlands. It is also known as Dutch Partridge Dog or simple "Drent". These dogs have a history of existence that dates back to 16th century. The breed was developed from the Spioenen dogs that came through France from Spain. It is … Read more

Dogo Argentino

The Argentine Dogos are large, white and muscular dogs developed in Argentina. They are bred for big-game such as hunting, including wild boar and puma. They are also called Argentine Mastiff and Dogo Argentino. These dogs are naturally robust, very intelligent and have a quick response as of a serious athlete. Their short, plain and … Read more

Deutscher Wachtelhund

The Deutscher Wachtelhund (also known as German Spaniel) is a medium size gundog from Germany that is most commonly used by hunters as a very versatile hunting and gundog. The dog has history that dates back to 1700s'. This is a versatile dog breed that does well in hunting feathered and fur animals as well … Read more

Danish-Swedish Farmdog

The Danish-Swedish Farmdog is also known as Dansk/Svensk Gaardhund, DANSK/SVENSK G�RDHUND or Danish-Swedish Farm dog. Native to Denmark and Sweden, it is an old dog breed that dates back to 17th century although some enthusiasts believe the breed is thousand years old. It is a multipurpose dog that has been used as farm dog to … Read more

Dakotah Shepherd

The Dakotah Shepherd breed of dog is not considered to be either a mixed breed or a pure breed dog. It is actually a breed that is in transition with efforts being made to see it as a fully registered breed. The Dakotah Shepherd is still fairly new and was created by crossing the Kelpie, … Read more

Czechoslovakian Wolfdog

The Czechoslovakian Wolfdog, is also officially known as Ceskoslovenski Vlciak and non officially referred to as the Slovak Wolfdog and Czech Wolfdog. It is a relatively new dog breed that came into existence through an experimental project conducted in Czechoslovakia in 1955. The experiment was aimed at producing a new dog breed with the combination … Read more

Croatian Sheepdog

The Croatian Sheepdog is the native breed of Croatia that has changed very little since its origination. It is a low to medium high dog with excellent herding skills. The dog has a history that goes back to several centuries. The earliest written document about Croatian Sheepdogs, named 'Canis pastoralis croaticus', found in the archives … Read more

Cretan Hound

The Cretan Hound (also called Kritikos Ichnilatis) is an ancient breed of hunting dogs originating in the Crete Island, Greece. This breed is believed to be the oldest hunting dog breeds in Europe. The dog has history that goes back to some 4000 years back. They were present and used as hare hunting dogs during … Read more

Cirneco Dell ‘Etna

The Cirneco Dell 'Etna is an ancient hunting dog breed that originated in Sicily, Italy. It is documented in arts and crafts of ancient times dating back to 400 years B.C. It has been used primarily to hunt rabbits on tough terrain of Mount Etna where the dog is found in larger numbers. It hunts … Read more

Cierny Sery

The Cierny Sery is a large and imposing dog that has recently originated in Slovakia. The dog has been developed by cross breeding of Belgian Shepherds, German Shepherds and Schnauzers. The purpose was to develop a multi-talented dog that can assist in various tasks for its masters. It is a natural looking large dog with … Read more