Luc test breed

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Standard Poodle

The Standard Poodle is the oldest of the three varieties that come under Poodle breed. Other two varieties, the miniature and the Toy Poodles, were developed from larger Standard Poodles. Originated in Germany, this dog was developed as a type of water dog but since then, has transitioned into a versatile dog that can perform … Read more

Silken Windhound

The Silken Windhound is a rare sighthound coursing dog breed that originated in USA. It was developed by Francie Stull, breeder of champion Borzoi by crossing champion Borzois with whippet dogs. The aim was to fill the empty slot of a medium size coursing sighthound which the Silken Windhound now fills so very well. Standing … Read more

Scotch Collie

The Scotch Collie or Scottish Collie is the name given to Collie dogs that originated in Scotland. With passage of time, Scotch Collies became 'Collies' in the late 20h century. Scotch Collie was the name given to what is now commonly known as the Collie (Rough-coated and Smooth-coated). Certain other breeds, most notably Collie descendants … Read more

Russian Wolfhound

The Russian Wolfhound is a sighthound and they originated in Arabia but were later on brought to Russia. They are known as Borzoi and were owned by the Russian nobility. Like their name suggests, the Russian Wolfhound were used to hunt down wolves. In Russian, the name, Borzoi, itself translates to 'swift', which is a … Read more

Rough Collie

The Smooth and Rough Collie are considered by the AKC as varieties of the same breed and therefore are judged by the same standard with the exception of the coat. There are three different varieties of Collie based primarily on coat appearance: Collie (Smooth and Rough), Border Collie and Bearded Collie. Considered to be one … Read more

Podenco Ibicenco

The Podenco Ibicenco (also known as Ibizian hound) is thought to have been originated in Egypt and there after were distributed throughout Spain in early 700 BC. This breed is a very rapid hunter and was used mostly to hunt game and rabbit. As well as finding and catching their prey, the Podenco Ibicenco retrieves … Read more

Kelb Tal-Fenek

The Kelb Tal-Fenek (also known as Pharaoh Hound) originated in the small island of Malta which is one of the seven islands in the Mediterranean Sea. On the island, they call this dog the Kelb Tal-Fenek which translates to 'rabbit dog'. The Kelb Tal-Fenek was thought to have been linked to ancient Egypt because historians … Read more

German Spitz Giant

The German Spitz Giant is a Spitz type dog originating in Germany. This medium size dog is called 'Giant' because it is the largest among German Spitz type with a height between 16-17 inches and weighs between 38.5 to 40. Heights and weights in male and female dogs DO NOT differ. This dog has a … Read more

Galgo Espanol

The Galgo Espanol is also known as Spanish Galgo or Spanish Greyhound. It is an ancient sight hound dog breed originating in Spain and believed to have originated from Ibizian Hound though other theories indicate that these dogs may have originated from Asian Greyhounds. This breed got enormous popularity with Spanish nobility for its great … Read more