
The Lab'Aire is typically an easygoing, curious and playful animal that can nevertheless be trained to look out for and protect its owners. A medium-sized animal with the double coat of its parent breeds,. the Airedale, with its even temper and naturally kind disposition, makes it suitable as a family animal. Yet, its heritage of … Read more


The La-chon (also "Lhasa-chon") is of the Lhasa Apso and the Bichon Frise lines. The Lhasa Apso, believed to be one of the oldest breeds extant, was bred primarily as a watch dog by Tibetan monks, and is thus suited for indoor living as well as being on the alert for strangers. It is a … Read more


The Shel-Aussie, often misspelled as Shel Aussi is a designer dog cross between Australian Shepherd or a Miniature Australian Shepherd with Shetland Sheepdog. They are known to be great at herding sheep, cows and cattle. They are also good in retrieving, watch-dogging and police work.

Alpine Dachsbracke

The Alpine Dachsbracke is a short and sturdy dog breed that originated in the Alpine mountains of Austria where it is also known as Alpenlandische Dachsbracke. This breed can be dated back to middle of 19th century when Dachsbrache dogs were bred down in size by crossing the larger dogs with Dachshunds. It is a … Read more

Golden Shepherd

The Golden Shepherd is a mix between a German Shepherd and a Golden Retriever purebreds. They are called hybrid dogs due to their origination from two different breeds. They are active, alert and intelligent dogs that stand up to 24 inches and weigh around 88 pounds. These dogs are loyal and protective of their family … Read more

German Sheprador

The German Sheprador is a mix breed obtained by crossing a purebred German Shepherd with a purebred Labrador Retriever. They are referred to as hybrid dogs due to their origin from two different pure breeds. These dogs are large in size, standing up to 27 inches from withers and weighing up to 88 pounds. They … Read more

English Bullweiler

The English Bullweiler dogs are a result of cross breeding between a Bulldog and a Rottweiller purebreds. They are referred to as hybrid dogs or designer dogs because they originate from cross breeding of two different pure breeds. These hybrids display characteristics and features of both parent breeds. These dogs are medium to large size … Read more

Braque du Bourbonnais

The Braque du Bourbonnier originated in the Bourbonnais region of France in the 16th century, bred by hunters for hunting quail. It was small and agile, with a pear-shaped head and a distinctively marked coat, heavily ticked and sometimes with spots, varying between faded lilac and fawn. The tail was naturally short, and sometimes the … Read more

Brittany Bourbonnais

The Brittany Bourbonnais is the result of a cross between two French breeds, the Brittany and the Braq du Bourbonnais. An agile, medium-sized dog, the Brittany Bourbonnais is considered a reliable hunting dog as well as a family pet and companion. The Brittany, formerly called the Brittany Spaniel because of its appearance, is considered to … Read more

Blue Spaniel

The Blue Spaniel dog breed is the result of cross breeding between the Australian Cattle dog and the Cocker Spaniel purebreds. The Blue Spaniel dogs are called hybrid dogs. They are loving, gentle, affectionate, social and intelligent dogs. They are medium in size.