10 Most Popular Dog Breeds

All dogs are lovable, unique, and, in their own way, irresistible. But there are some who are like celebrities with the charm they couldn’t keep and we couldn’t help but appreciate. We have listed ten dogs who are known for their outstanding traits, making them the crowd favorite and the most popular: Labrador RetrieversLabs are … Read more

10 Weirdest-looking Dog Breeds

We all have our favorite breeds for many different reasons. There are some breeds that we love more because they look more charming. For some, dogs will always be dogs. But there are just a few breeds who make us look again and think twice and ask: Is that REALLY a dog? Here’s a list … Read more

10 Most Hardworking Dogs

From catching scents to rescue operations, baby-sitting, fetching, guarding, jogging, or just tirelessly messing around, we have listed ten of the most hardworking dogs. 1 – BloodhoundBloodhounds have an unsurpassed ability to catch a scent and can detect even those that are 12 days old. They are built specifically to do so with long ears … Read more

10 Best Family Dogs

Family dogs are ideal for their loyalty, service, energy, and care for their human companions. They are usually good with kids and possess stable temperament. Playfulness and affection are also their common features. Training these dogs early certainly adds to the fun in the whole human pack. BeagleThis adorable and charming short-legged pooch is best … Read more

10 Biggest Dog Breeds

Determining which among the many dog breeds is the biggest is actually very tricky. Within breeds, sizes may vary greatly so that on the average the biggest dog may not be from the biggest breed. Whether it’s the height, weight, or overall size that must be considered is also another difficulty. Following the American Kennel … Read more

Border Collies: The Brightest Canine Breed of All

Remember the Border Collies? They are the dogs who make it to the top of almost every list of the smartest dog breeds. There is practically no question from dog experts about the high intellect of Border Collies. We all love dogs who are easily trainable. But there are more to their breed than that … Read more

10 Reasons Samoyeds Make Us Smile

1. The Name The Samoyed, also called Samoiedskana Sobaka, is also known for its various nicknames such as “Sam,” “Sammy,” “Smiling Sammy, ” and, what it’s most famous for, “The Smiley Dog.” There’s enough reason Samoyeds are called Smiley Dogs. Primarily, their distinctly black lips that curl up and extend all the way near their … Read more

Top 10 Smartest Dog Breeds

Dogs are incredibly intelligent species. With their long history of companionship to humans, they do lend themselves very adaptable to people. They are truly man’s best friend for their loyalty and obedience, especially if they are well-trained by their owners. And what a delight it certainly is when we see our own dogs learn and … Read more

Your Dog’s Rights

Caring for your dogs is often likened to raising your own kids. Their behavior and quality of life are very much dependent on how you as their responsible pet owner nurture them. Like a good parent who only wants the best for your children, you want your dogs to be well-rounded and enjoy life with … Read more