Austrian Shorthaired Pinscher

The Austrian Shorthaired Pinscher (also known as Osterreichischer Kurzhaarpinscher or �sterreichischer Pinscher) is a working breed from Austria. This multi-utility dog has been used in Austrian farms to protect the farms of rats and other vermin, acting as home guards, livestock guardians and drovers. The dog has peared-shaped head with short but strong muzzle. The … Read more

Austrian Black and Tan Hound

Believed to be true descendents of Celtic hounds, the Austrian Black and Tan Hound (also known as Bracke, Austrian Smooth-haired Hound, Brandlbracke) is a hunting breed originating in Austria. This medium sized dog has broad skull with medium length ears, set high on head. Ears are long and flat. They eyes of this dog are … Read more

Andalusian Podenco

The Andalusian Podenco is known by many other names like Podenco Andaluz, Andalusian Hound, Podenco Andalusian and Podenco Maneto Andalusian. It is a primitive Spanish dog that comes in three sizes; small, medium and large. The looks vary as the dog was bred for hunting and not for looks. Generally the dog has erect ears. … Read more

American Black and Tan Coonhound

The American Black and Tan Coonhound is one of few All-American breed. It is large, strong and determined hunting dog. It has a very keen sense of scent and its hunting abilities largely depend on its ability to track a scent of an animal to its origin. This dog is powerful, agile and alert and … Read more

Alaskan Husky

The Alaskan Husky dogs come in a variety of features. It is not possible to generalize their description to some general boundaries. They resemble other cousin dogs like the Alaskan Malamute, Siberian Husky and are found in almost all features. The ears can be pointy although some may droop from the tip and others may … Read more

Ainu Dog

The Ainu dog is also known as Hokkaido Dog, Hokkaidoken, Hokka�do, Ainu-Ken and Ainu Inu. It is among the oldest dog breeds in japan. This breed was first bred by indigenous Ainu people to hunt salmon, deer and bear. Despite their strong link with Ainu people, the breed is commonly called Hokkaido by common Japanese … Read more


The Aidi dog is also known as Chien de l'Atlas, Atlas Sheepdog or Atlas Mountain Hound. Its origin is Morocco. Lean and muscular, this dog is hardy and well-muscled. The ears are shaggy and eyes big which give this dog a very cute look. The head is in proportion to the body and gives the … Read more


The Goldmaraner is a mix between a purebred Golden Retriever and a purebred Weimaraner. The resulting dog is called hybrid or designer dog as it originates from crossing of two different pure breeds. The Goldmaraner is large size dog with an average weight around 60 to 80 pounds and can be 27 inches tall when … Read more

Tamaskan Dog

The Tamaskan Dog is a rare dog breed that is of the sled dog type. It originated from Finland and is a very versatile breed that is known to excel in obedience, agility and working trials. These dogs are capable of pulling sleds which is a trait that is inherited from their Alaskan Malamute and … Read more

Great Dane

Back to 36 B.C., the image of a dog similar to the Great Dane appeared on Greek money. The Great Dane is considered as the ‘Apollo of dogs’. In 407 A.D., Asiatic people (the Alans) invaded part of Italy and Spain and German Gaul. The Alans brought big mastiff dogs (especially in Germany) with them. … Read more